Pia K Töre-Wallin Exclusive Interview – ‘We Should All Strive To Leave This Planet A Little Bit Better’
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Pia K Töre-Wallin was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with her.

Pia K Töre-Wallin As Cover Story – November 2023 Edition

How do you introduce yourself? 
That depends on the situation because I am a multi-passionate, colourful generalist, a Jill of many trades. I am an ex-lawyer, as well as a vegan modern renaissance woman, currently running my own business within communication. Everything communicates. How may I help you? 
Beyond all this, I am—and always will be—hungry for learning and growing. I might add that I am also on a serious quest to find my dream job in communications, in a company working for sustainable solutions, where the people are my kind of people, dedicated to making the world a better place. I am looking for a place where I can purposefully thrive and sparkle, using my skills, experience and passions for the greater good, alongside other inspirational, compassionate, skilful individuals.  
Childhood to Adulthood – How was your transition from childhood to adulthood and what are the bad and good things you remember? 
Smooth and uncomplicated I’m grateful to say. After all these years, I’m still waiting to fully grasp what it is to be a proper real-life grown up, though. Maybe there are more answers to that huge life defining question than merely one simple? 
Struggle – What hardships have you gone through in life? 
I think these four specific events in my life stand out in that aspect. At the same time, they have also proven to be great life lessons; without them, I wouldn’t be the more insightful, less judgemental, more compassionate — but also less trusting — person I am today. 
Burn-out depression caused by workplace trauma. It truly was the epitome of an unhealthy workplace. 
The sudden, unexpected death of my long-term partner, and everything nasty the aftermath held.  
A work project turned out to be a total sham. It not only cost me financially, but it was also a bitter lesson in betrayal, by both the client as well as the team I was working with.  Being exposed to a complete witch hunt by one of Sweden’s major public authorities. I won the court appeal, with help from a dear friend. Authorities can practise shameless lying and gaslighting too.  
What do people usually not know about you? 
That I have a long-lasting case of mild automatonophobia (i.e. fear of – in my case – life-sized human-like statues). And at the same time, I’m in awe of the skills and beautiful art involved in creating such statues. When I visit Denmark, the Glyptoteket museum in Copenhagen is somewhat of a challenge in that aspect. 
What sets you apart from your competitors in the industry and in life? 
Once a lawyer, always a lawyer. So even though it has been many years since I actually practised law, I still ’think like a lawyer’, which, to me, means analyzing every possible angle of a decision/problem, as well as the foreseeable outcomes of a chosen path. Others might call it ’overthinking’. 
So, both in work life and private life, there are situations that call for me to put on either my lawyer hat, or my creative Mad Hatter hat. They complement each other well. 
My weird and wonderful brain also loves the fact that everything is connected. I firmly believe that to live—and, ideally, work—as you learn is the best way to show your true values, as well as to grow as a decent human being. 
Last but not least, I must also mention my penchant for dressing in vibrant colours, which has earned me the nickname of ‘The only colourful person in Stockholm/Sweden’. Colours make us happy! I wish more people understood that simple fact, because it adds so much joy to life. And most of us do need things that brighten up our days, some days more than others.
What are your upcoming major events? 
After a rather strenuous year, followed by a recent horrific bout of long-lasting flu, I’m honestly just grateful that I don’t have any major upcoming events (that I know of now).  
Instead, I’m mainly focusing on catching up on my course in UX-writing/design that I’ve dropped behind in, due to said flu. I’m looking forward to finishing it with the other students in January 2024. 
Other than that, I’m planning a couple of smaller vegan food events/demos for December. I’m also looking forward to more such events for Veganuary 2024. 
A Christmas Meet & Greet, with local business owners and the municipality at a nearby castle, should offer a bit of fun and sparkle to the season.  
And when 2023 turns into 2024 (where did the year go…?) I am so ready to welcome the dream job I mentioned above, which I have worked so hard for, and long for so much. I have no idea how and when, or in what shape, it will finally appear. But it truly is high time that it does, and I am here with open arms to welcome the perfect opportunity! 
What are your food preferences and physical attributes?
I am vegan for life, of course! Because I do not want to contribute to any needless pain, suffering and death on this planet through my life choices. Peace begins on our plates—and so does our work to heal this planet and its earthlings. 
I love tofu and almost every fresh, crisp vegetable—especially carrots. I also strive to eat food that is organic and in season, as well as to reduce my food waste. 
What expert advice would you like to give? 
As a proud, curious generalist and Jill of many trades (dressed in many colours), I wouldn’t call myself an expert. I would say that I am more of a curious specialist, with a growth mindset. 
However, this is the general advice I would give: 

  • Always be true to yourself.  
  • Lead by authenticity and example.  
  • Everything is connected and, as individuals, we should all strive to leave this planet a little bit better than when we arrived here. Thus, our daily choices matter.  
  • Kindness trumps everything, be it in work or in your private life. 

Your social media handles and website links?