Kindra Rabon was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with Ms. Kindra.
Kindra Rabon As Cover Story Interview Feature – TheCelebrity.Online March 2023 Edition
How do you introduce yourself?
Kindra Rabon: I am a Risk Adjustment Coding Analyst but I consider myself a jack of anything Healthcare. Billing and Coding has opened so many doors for me.
How was the transition from your childhood into adulthood/teenage and what good and bad things do you remember?
Kindra Rabon: My father was a lifer in the Army and we traveled a lot. I am the only girl in a family with four boys. I would say that I had to be a fighter for most of my life and that nothing has ever been just handed to me. Most of my teen years and early adult years were spent in Northern Virginia. When my dad retired he mixed to Charlotte and I followed because growing up my parents and my brothers were all I had.
Struggle – What hardships have you faced during your life?
Kindra Rabon: I was a young mother at 22 with no college education to speak of. I started and stopped going through college so many times. My first intentions were to be a nurse. I have five kids and that became almost impossible since I was the primary caregiver. I found billing and coding and realized I could still be a part of Healthcare but from a different perspective. I finally got my college degree in 2018. I am getting my masters degree currently in health information management. I got a late start in my career so I have high hopes for my years of maturity.
What things people usually do not know about you?
Kindra Rabon: I was a division 1 athlete. I had a full scholarship to run track at University of Louisville. I actually had a record in the 55m hurdles until 2004 which I didn’t even know about.
What make you unique from your competitors in the industry and life?
Kindra Rabon: I think what makes me unique is that since I started later in life in my career after jumping so many hurdles thst I have convinced myseld that I am capable of almost anything I put my mind too. I expect it to be hard but I am always up for a challenge.
What are your major upcoming events?
Kindra Rabon: I will have my masters degree in HIM in May of 2024. I am also going to sit for my RHIA credential. I have a 3.8 GPA and I don’t plan on stopping educating myself anytime soon.
What are your diet preference and physical measurements?
Kindra Rabon: I consider myself a mature woman who hopes to be in better shape by the time I am 50. This is the year I will be taking care of myself.
What expert advice would you like to share?
Kindra Rabon: Never sell yourself short. Reach higher than you currently are. Even if you are not 100% qualified does not mean you can’t get the job. Do not let the No’s keep you from your Yes’s.

R. Harwood is the writer and editor in chief of TheCelebrity.Online – Read more on our About Us page.