Eunice Maria Romelli Johnson – Exclusive Interview – ‘Always Give Value To Others In Your Life’
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Eunice Maria was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online and below is the Q&A session we had with her.

How do you introduce yourself and profession?

Eunice Maria: I am optimistic and daring, starting a new career at 61.

Childhood to Adulthood – How was the transition from your childhood into adulthood/teenage and what good and bad things you remember?

Eunice Maria: Good things: From childhood – cartoons and TV series like The Jetsons, Star Trek. From Adolescence – The Books of Agatha Christie, Rock and Roll.

Bad things: I missed having siblings (I’m an only child).

Struggle – What hardships you faced during your life?

Eunice Maria: One difficulty was after divorce (1st marriage), my son was then a baby (4 months old). I still didn’t have my graduation and no defined profession. It was a tough start.

Things that people usually don’t know about you?

Eunice Maria: Behind a fragile appearance I am strong, because of the One who gives me power (God).

What makes you unique from your competitors in the industry and life?

Eunice Maria: My life baggage, my incessant and avid search for knowledge.

What are the major Upcoming Events & Moments that you want to inform our readers about?

Eunice Maria: Events related to fashion, accessories, jewelry.

What are your diet preferences & physical appearance?

Eunice Maria: I think diet should be balanced; the appearance, healthy; each person has a unique beauty.

What Expert Advice would you like to share with the readers about professional and social field of life?

Eunice Maria: Advice that values the human being, that promotes knowledge, that encourages learning.